It’s easy to look at the picture below and see an empty warehouse. Bare walls, empty office, clean cement slab floor with sunlight peering in the windows in the bay door and the skylights overhead. But if you look a little closer and apply just a splash of imagination, you’d see what I saw as I stood there and took this picture.
You’d see a couple of Tiny Houses sitting side by side. One looks like a traditional northwest craftsman style house and the other like a miniature version of the red barns that sprinkled the landscape of Whatcom County when I was a kid. You’d see a painter putting the finishing touches on the exterior trim of one of the cottages while a master carpenter works inside tacking in the final row of tongue and groove pine ceiling.
You’d smell saw dust and cedar. You’d see table saws and nailguns and hear the slow, syrupy guitar riffs of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Free Bird floating up from the Dewalt boombox, to fill the entire space.
You may even see me showing an excited customer her new Tiny House, almost ready for delivery and the beginning of an adventure she has been dreaming of for years.
This is what I see when I look at this empty warehouse. In the coming days and weeks, this vision will be a reality. I have never been more excited about what’s next. I’m filling in the space with something I believe will be awesome and I can’t wait to share it with my friends and neighbors in the Pacific Northwest!